Checking in on New Year's Resolutions


I can’t believe it is already June! It’s a bit scary how life is flying by, seemingly faster than ever. 2015 has been no exception.

Flashback to much warmer days in Thailand...

The year started off with a bang, relaxing with friends in Thailand, but it wasn’t long until the daily grind hit me again – and I felt like I never had a holiday!

Given it's June, I figured it was a pretty good time to check in on my New Year's resolutions.

I didn’t set many concrete resolutions this year: I wanted to find a new job, and finally conquer my list of things to do.

I got a new job in February, and was thrilled to tick this off my list early in the year. Unfortunately though, I’m still being ruled by my never-ending list of things to do, which regularly spirals out of control!



Having just returned from a great couple of weeks in Japan, I realise that after a super hectic start to the year, I needed to recharge to tackle everything else that the year has to offer.

How are you going with your New Year’s resolutions?

If you are not quite where you want to be, don’t stress. Here are my hints for moving forward in the next half of the year.

  1. Don’t give up at the first hurdle! Road bumps will always present themselves, so accept this and move forward. Each hurdle is a step closer to your goals.
  1. Consider if your goals are still relevant. Make real goals that matter to you, and if something isn’t working for you, or only causing stress, let it go and focus on what matters.
  1. Commit. If you have decided to keep your goals, don’t stray from then unless a better opportunity comes up. It's amazing what you can do when you really want to achieve your goals.
  1. Plan. Successful people don’t just wake up in the morning with all of the answers and opportunities that they need. Now you have identified where you are at with your goals, you know they are still relevant and you have recommitted to achieving them, it’s time to start putting in place real steps to getting it done.

At the top of my list of things to do for a long time is to write an eBook, and I am super excited to let you know that I’m almost there, so make sure you keep an eye out for it! Another thing I’ve recently ticked off the list is getting my newsletter up and running, which was well overdue (sorry!). Make sure you sign up below and keep in touch.

Good luck!