It's time to celebrate!


Merry Christmas! For me, this time of year is about celebrating. It is about enjoying time with family and friends, and sharing food and stories about the year that was.

Over the last 12 days, I have shared with you my "12 Days of Christmas" career and life changing tips. I urge you: don’t just wait to Christmas (or whatever holiday you may celebrate) to celebrate. Celebrate the small things and wins along the way.

Enjoy the highs, and learn from the lows.

The 12 Days of Christmas

The 12-Day special is a call to action. It is a package of steps that you can take to start making big changes to your life and your career.

Don’t wait for “another day”. Now is your chance to take control of your career, and implement the 12-steps in your own life:

Celebrate the achievements along the way, no matter how big or small;

Never forget to dream big and put polish on everything that you do;

Always share and connect, give back to your community and build a tribe;

Master how to say no and focus your energies on your goals and your path;

Honour your wellness routines, these are the basis for your success;

Make time to learn to network and meet new people online and offline;

Find your purpose, break down the bigger picture and remember that option have value;

Always embrace vulnerability, no one is perfect and you don’t have to be;

Know your personal brand and stay true to it no matter what;

Find a mentor: approach them with purpose and start working on your direction;

Don’t be afraid to jump into it, have faith that you won’t throw yourself in the gutter and try something new; and

Get ready to create opportunities.

Enjoy your break and make the time to plan a fantastic year ahead.
